61 research outputs found

    Tree-Based Diffusion Schr\"odinger Bridge with Applications to Wasserstein Barycenters

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    Multi-marginal Optimal Transport (mOT), a generalization of OT, aims at minimizing the integral of a cost function with respect to a distribution with some prescribed marginals. In this paper, we consider an entropic version of mOT with a tree-structured quadratic cost, i.e., a function that can be written as a sum of pairwise cost functions between the nodes of a tree. To address this problem, we develop Tree-based Diffusion Schr\"odinger Bridge (TreeDSB), an extension of the Diffusion Schr\"odinger Bridge (DSB) algorithm. TreeDSB corresponds to a dynamic and continuous state-space counterpart of the multimarginal Sinkhorn algorithm. A notable use case of our methodology is to compute Wasserstein barycenters which can be recast as the solution of a mOT problem on a star-shaped tree. We demonstrate that our methodology can be applied in high-dimensional settings such as image interpolation and Bayesian fusion

    Diffusion Schr\"odinger Bridge Matching

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    Solving transport problems, i.e. finding a map transporting one given distribution to another, has numerous applications in machine learning. Novel mass transport methods motivated by generative modeling have recently been proposed, e.g. Denoising Diffusion Models (DDMs) and Flow Matching Models (FMMs) implement such a transport through a Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) or an Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE). However, while it is desirable in many applications to approximate the deterministic dynamic Optimal Transport (OT) map which admits attractive properties, DDMs and FMMs are not guaranteed to provide transports close to the OT map. In contrast, Schr\"odinger bridges (SBs) compute stochastic dynamic mappings which recover entropy-regularized versions of OT. Unfortunately, existing numerical methods approximating SBs either scale poorly with dimension or accumulate errors across iterations. In this work, we introduce Iterative Markovian Fitting, a new methodology for solving SB problems, and Diffusion Schr\"odinger Bridge Matching (DSBM), a novel numerical algorithm for computing IMF iterates. DSBM significantly improves over previous SB numerics and recovers as special/limiting cases various recent transport methods. We demonstrate the performance of DSBM on a variety of problems

    Diffusion Schr\"odinger Bridge with Applications to Score-Based Generative Modeling

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    Progressively applying Gaussian noise transforms complex data distributions to approximately Gaussian. Reversing this dynamic defines a generative model. When the forward noising process is given by a Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE), Song et al. (2021) demonstrate how the time inhomogeneous drift of the associated reverse-time SDE may be estimated using score-matching. A limitation of this approach is that the forward-time SDE must be run for a sufficiently long time for the final distribution to be approximately Gaussian. In contrast, solving the Schr\"odinger Bridge problem (SB), i.e. an entropy-regularized optimal transport problem on path spaces, yields diffusions which generate samples from the data distribution in finite time. We present Diffusion SB (DSB), an original approximation of the Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF) procedure to solve the SB problem, and provide theoretical analysis along with generative modeling experiments. The first DSB iteration recovers the methodology proposed by Song et al. (2021), with the flexibility of using shorter time intervals, as subsequent DSB iterations reduce the discrepancy between the final-time marginal of the forward (resp. backward) SDE with respect to the prior (resp. data) distribution. Beyond generative modeling, DSB offers a widely applicable computational optimal transport tool as the continuous state-space analogue of the popular Sinkhorn algorithm (Cuturi, 2013).Comment: 58 pages, 18 figures (correction of Proposition 5

    Diffusion Models for Constrained Domains

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    Denoising diffusion models are a recent class of generative models which achieve state-of-the-art results in many domains such as unconditional image generation and text-to-speech tasks. They consist of a noising process destroying the data and a backward stage defined as the time-reversal of the noising diffusion. Building on their success, diffusion models have recently been extended to the Riemannian manifold setting. Yet, these Riemannian diffusion models require geodesics to be defined for all times. While this setting encompasses many important applications, it does not include manifolds defined via a set of inequality constraints, which are ubiquitous in many scientific domains such as robotics and protein design. In this work, we introduce two methods to bridge this gap. First, we design a noising process based on the logarithmic barrier metric induced by the inequality constraints. Second, we introduce a noising process based on the reflected Brownian motion. As existing diffusion model techniques cannot be applied in this setting, we derive new tools to define such models in our framework. We empirically demonstrate the applicability of our methods to a number of synthetic and real-world tasks, including the constrained conformational modelling of protein backbones and robotic arms

    From Denoising Diffusions to Denoising Markov Models

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    Denoising diffusions are state-of-the-art generative models which exhibit remarkable empirical performance and come with theoretical guarantees. The core idea of these models is to progressively transform the empirical data distribution into a simple Gaussian distribution by adding noise using a diffusion. We obtain new samples whose distribution is close to the data distribution by simulating a "denoising" diffusion approximating the time reversal of this "noising" diffusion. This denoising diffusion relies on approximations of the logarithmic derivatives of the noised data densities, known as scores, obtained using score matching. Such models can be easily extended to perform approximate posterior simulation in high-dimensional scenarios where one can only sample from the prior and simulate synthetic observations from the likelihood. These methods have been primarily developed for data on Rd\mathbb{R}^d while extensions to more general spaces have been developed on a case-by-case basis. We propose here a general framework which not only unifies and generalizes this approach to a wide class of spaces but also leads to an original extension of score matching. We illustrate the resulting class of denoising Markov models on various applications
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